Monday, June 14, 2010

Tyler's Two Year Stats

Or should it be "Tyler's Two Year and One Week Stats"? 

He had an appointment with the pediatrician today. He was not a fan. ;)
Actually, my poor baby had a major meltdown... and not even over the finger prick! He lost it when they went to weigh him! He clung to me so hard that I actually could not pry him off myself. I don't know what he thought was going to happen- he only had to sit on a table and both Tory and myself were there holding him. Poor little guy. :(

Or should I say poor big guy. His measurements:

34.5lbs- 96th percentile
38in- off the charts. :)

As for other "stats", here are some of my lil' two year old's "things":

He loves Pooh and Lion King (which he calls "Hi-Key")

He can repeat just about any words now, and totally understands anything we say to him.

He sleeps with Stitch, Woody, "frogs" (rag quilt), and "blue" (soft blue blanket).

He still wakes up at least twice at night. :(

His favorite toys are his tool box(es), motorcycles, vacuum, and trains.

He's obsessed with batteries. 

His favorite food is "fries". He also loves pasta and fruit snacks. :)

He likes to pick out his own shirt in the morning... and he gets pretty upset whenever his frog shirt is dirty. 

He LOVES cooking. If anyone is in the kitchen, Tyler brings a chair over and climbs up to help... whether his help is wanted or not. ;)

If he wants to show someone something or if he needs/wants something, he says "hand" and grabs their hand and leads them to whatever it is. ♥

He talks to himself. Especially in his car seat.

And his latest (hysterical) thing... he calls his daddy "Tory". It's is so freaking funny and adorable! 

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