Thursday, May 28, 2009


Finally I got to see my baby today! At first, the tech couldn't find the baby OR a heartbeat, which pretty much made my own heart skip a few beats. She said that it may be too early, so she wanted to try a vaginal ultrasound just in case. Thank God, she was able to find him/her immediately that way. Phew! I got to hear the heartbeat, and I'll be honest, it was even better than when I first heard Tyler's, because with him I wasn't worried, but this time I was scared out of my mind! There is just nothing like hearing your unborn child's heart beating away!

I saw the head (which is on the left), both arms (one up by the head, the other poking out along the bottom), and the legs beginning to form.
It really shocked me how clear the picture is. All other early ultrasound photos I've seen, I can't even make out a baby- just a blob! But this one is really awesome. It actually almost looks like a baby. ♥

She said that the doctor will call me if she sees anything wrong, but as far as the tech was concerned, everything is perfectly normal for 8.5 weeks. What a relief!

Friday, May 15, 2009

Pregnant Stuff

My first baby-doctor appointment was supposed to be... right now as a matter of fact. Instead here I am writing about it. :/ I got a call an hour ago saying that one of the doctors is in L&D and my doctor is taking over her patients, which means her regular patients had to reschedule. Aaargh. I really can't tell you how frustrated I was! It wouldn't be such a big deal to me, but Tory has to be at work on time today so I couldn't go in later today, and he's going out of town all next week, so I had to make an appointment for the next week. Ugh. All this because I'm to wimpy to take my 11 month old to an appointment with me. lol So anyway, my first appointment has been moved to Tuesday, May 26 at 9am. I hope they don't have to change that!

Weekly pictures starting at 6 weeks? I doubt it! But here's my 6-week-pregnant picture, just so after the baby is born and I'm having trouble losing the weight I can prove to people that I once was skinny! I hear it's a lot harder to lose weight after your second than your first. Uh oh!

Fun at the Park

Tyler and I met my mom, Crystal, and Brandon at the park for a picnic and lots of playing. Tyler didn't want to eat because he was too busy watching all the kids running around. So I let him down to play, and he took off in the dirt! Instead of his sandwich, he tried eating dirt, rocks, and sticks. MMmmmm. That kid is ALL boy. ;)
It was really strange to see all these little kids running around like pros, with Tyler just crawling. He was a lot bigger than so many of the walking/running kids who were clearly older than he is. There was one boy who looked SO tiny to me, but he ran right up and started talking to Brandon! I mean, this kid was half a head shorter than my 11 month old! I think I have a big boy on my hands. :)

Of course, Tyler also just HAD to play with his grandma's sunglasses. He is a big fan of any kind of glasses. (As I'm sure you remember from a previous post...) He hammed it up for the camera again this time:

And I got a little baby fix... and a hint of how busy my life will be when Baby #2 arrives! Fortunately Tyler doesn't show any signs of jealousy toward Brandon. Actually, he pretty much ignores the baby most of the time. Here's me at 6.5 weeks pregnant holding 6.5 week old Brandon. ♥
(Would it be TMI if I said that the first day of my last period- which is when doctors say is day the pregnancy starts- was the day Brandon was born? So the two help me remember each other. lol)

And He's Off!

Tyler took his first steps 3 days ago- just one or two at a time. Then yesterday we were at my mom's house and he took FOUR consecutive steps. (Ok, he was being bribed with soda, but it worked!) He hasn't taken any since then, but I just know he'll be off and running as soon as he figures out that it can be faster than crawling.

We spent the day out in Sterling visiting both our families. Tyler got to play on the trampoline for the first time. He didn't like it much, but I think it's because he was so tired. I got up there to hold him and he almost fell asleep on me! I guess the slight bouncing worked like our rocking chair. :)

We played outside with the dogs for a long time, and that's where Tyler first discovered caterpillars! Yuck! He chased it around for a bit, until Madden decided he'd had enough and pawed the thing to death. After which Tyler decided it looked like something good to eat and I made Tory get rid of it. What was I thinking wanting all boys?? ;)

After a long day spent learning to walk and playing outside, Tyler fell asleep as soon as he was in his carseat and slept the whole 75 minutes home, went right to bed when we got home, and slept until 7:30 this morning.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Let's Try This Again...

Looks like Tyler has another chance to be a big brother!
I'm pregnant again, and this time due January 3, 2010. So I'm only about 5 weeks along, and very nervous while very hopeful at the same time. I'm praying that the next 7 weeks pass quickly and uneventfully so I can enjoy my pregnancy and planning for the new arrival.

We were going to wait til Mother's Day to break the news to our families, but yeah right... this is me remember? The least patient person in the world! We told everyone yesterday and of course, they're all thrilled. Kels has already dubbed him/her Adam, just like she did Tyler and the angel baby. I hate to disappoint her, but I highly doubt we will name this one Adam either. ;)

As for gender, my gut feeling is girl. And I will be honest about wanting another boy... Of course I will be thrilled with either though. Tory says his gut feeling is girl too. We shall see...