Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My little one is 4 months, 1 week, and 1 day old! Time sure does fly! He seems to be changing by the minute. Yesterday I gave him his first taste of applesauce and he LOVED it! He made sour face for the first 4 or 5 bites, but then started opening his mouth asking for more. What a sweetheart. We'll spend a few days on applesauce, then move on to something else. I hope he gets his daddy's taste in food in that he'll eat anything! I don't want him to be as picky as I was as a kid- I hear I only ate chicken nuggets for about a year. :)

Tyler very much enjoying his new food

Sticky fingers! Yummy!!

He is still a very good baby, even if he won't commit to a schedule. The only thing I can count on is that he will be up at 7:30am on the dot, no matter when he went to bed. Most days we try for a morning and and afternoon nap, but that rarely happens. Ty is so giggly and happy almost all the time. When he wakes up from a nap or in the morning he just lays there laughing while I talk to him.
Dexter is still perfect as can be with the baby. I think he likes the change to applesauce more than Tyler does! He likes to lick Ty's fingers (and face!) for any remnants. ;)


Like Father Like Son

Tory's mom gave me a box of toys and clothes etc from when Tory was a baby. There was a sleeper in the box that is just Ty's size, so he wears it now!
Baby Tory:

Baby Tyler:

A busy weekend! 10/10-12/08

My middle school best friend got married!! Suzanna asked me about a year ago to be in her wedding, and I gladly agreed. The weekend finally came, and the wedding was just beautiful. Everything went so smoothly, and Suzanna and Chris are now a married couple!
A few pictures from the festivities:

The bride and her bridesmaids

Me and Zanna

Me and my hubby

Since mommy was busy this weekend, Tyler spent most of his time with his two grandmas. Friday night was the bachelorette party, so he stayed with my mom. Saturday morning was spent with Aunt Kelsey while I went with the bridal party to get our nails done. Saturday evening was again spent with my mom for the rehearsal dinner, and all day Sunday was spent with Tory's mom for the wedding. He was a bit fussy the first two days- He IS a bigtime momma's boy. But I hear that on Sunday he didn't cry much at all! Yay Tyler! Here are a couple of picture from Tyler's weekend:

Gorgeous sleepy baby

Tyler and his crazy mommy and aunts!

Did I mention that Tory was out of town all last week?? He left Monday morning at 3am and got home Friday evening after Ty and I had already left for Sterling. So I didn't get to see him until the wedding was over, and Tyler didn't get to see his daddy until late that night. Needless to say we are both very happy to have him home! Hopefully he doesn't have to go away again any time soon.