Friday, April 30, 2010

Watering the Grass

Grandma is trying to grow grass in the backyard, and Tyler loves to go outside every day to help water it. 
(He was not happy when it was raining a couple days ago. He didn't understand why they couldn't go water the grass anyway. lol)
Of course, I had to take some pictures today... especially since Tyler's jeans came off and I got to see his adorable chubby little legs. ;)

Such a helpful lil' guy.

Or not so helpful... he prefers to make puddles so he can splash. ;)

Grandma helped him rinse his feet off.
I absolutely LOVE this picture!! ♥

It's a good thing the back yard is big, because I don't think Tyler will ever get tired of this chore!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Meagan and Motorcycles

Does it get better than that?? :)

It's Thursday again, which means Daddy and Tyler day. They went, again, to visit Meagan. 
{No, it does not get old. ;)}

Apparently Tyler almost fell asleep in the hammock. ♥
Tyler looooves his aunt Meagan. He actually has a name for her now! "MEEE!" lol  So freakin' cute!

Meagan's friend Gary is keeping his motorcycle at her house for a while. Have I mentioned that motorcycles are Tyler's #1 very very very favorite thing in the whole wide world??
{I'm sure D (Tyler's grandpa) will let the Harley thing slide for now... he can teach Tyler about the right kind of motorcycles when he gets a little older. ;)}

He was sure he could get it turned on with that key and get the heck outta there!

Yep, another good day out with Daddy... and Meagan... and motorcycles. :)

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Funny Stuff

Just a couple happenings of late that I'd like to remember... with some adorable photos mixed in.

{Waving "Hiya" to me as they passed... every time}

I put in Winnie the Pooh for Tyler last night. He doesn't watch much TV these days, so he didn't know who it was. He pointed to the screen and I told him "Pooh". He thought for a second, and then said "poo" and pointed to his diaper. 
Smart kid.
{He insisted on the backpack}

 {He woke up from his nap yesterday in a super angry cuddly mood ♥}

 Last night, Tory was doing homework on his laptop on the couch. Tyler thought it looked like fun.
{A very much not staged photo}

And finally, this morning... Tory was in the shower. I was finishing getting ready in the bathroom. I looked down and saw Tyler had completely stripped his pjs off and was headed for shower saying "in! Dada! in!"
I figured what the heck, so I put him in the shower with Dada. He was a little unsure of it at first (he's not a fan of water on his head) but he got used to it enough that I no longer feel bad that we skipped bath time last night. :)
{No pictures, because, well, you know. lol}

Sunday, April 25, 2010

189 days down, 91 days to go!

Just a fancy way of saying I'm at week 27!! Seriously, time has just gone flying by. 

They say that this week Baby will grow a whole half inch, her eyelids should be opening, and retinas beginning to form. She should also look a lot like what she'll end up looking like when she's born- if that makes sense. We're still at the eggplant stage, so nothing new there.

My favorite "new news" is that if something were to happen and she was born now, she'd have a high chance of survival. That is an amazing thing to hear. ♥

Everything is the same for me physically. I'm not sure how much longer I'll be able to carry Tyler at all. No worries, it's not like I'm hauling him around everywhere we go- but lifting him every now and then cannot be avoided. I get so worn out so easily now though, that soon I think I won't even be able to carry him up the stairs! Yesterday I was going to "lie down for thirty minutes" while Tyler was napping... and I woke up 2 and a half hours later! Oops!

{Yep, that's Tyler's shadow on the wall. He was busy and couldn't be bothered to move. ;)}

Cravings this week:  Apples, Oranges, and pretzel M&Ms. :)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day with Daddy (and Meagan)

While I was working today, Tory and Tyler were very busy. Playing, of course.

Their travels took them to Meagan's house for a visit. 

They played in Meagan's castle in the woods.

And by "they", I do mean "they".

 Tyler is very good at letting people know what he wants. It was clear to Meagan that she was supposed to climb through too. ;)

He climbed a tree or two.

With some help

He played on the rope swing. Again, with some help.

He blew lots of bubbles

And popped them with his bubble wand.

He just generally looked adorable

And then he gave Meagan some big kisses when it was time to leave.
{Maybe not. But he was tolerant enough of her kisses. ;)}

Then, on the way home, he ate a peppermint patty from Meagan, while playing on his brand new very own laptop that Grandpa gave him!

I'd say that qualifies as a good day!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Daily Conversation

As we get in the car, usually leaving the same time Tory leaves for work:

Tyler: "Dada?"

Me: "Dada's going to work."

Tyler: "Car?"

Me: "Yep, he's in his car."

Tyler: "In?"

Me: "Yes. In his car."

Tyler: "Keys?"

Me: "Yes, Dada has his keys."

Tyler: "In?"

Me: "Yep, his keys are in his car."

Tyler: "G?"

Me: "G is at work."

Tyler: "Car?"

Me: "Yes, G has her car."

Tyler: "In?"

Me: "G was in her car to go to work."

Tyler: "Keys?"

Me: "Yes. G put her keys in her car to go to work."

Tyler: "Nick?" you see where this is going? Fortunately Nick is usually the end of it. We usually repeat the Dada one a few times before moving on to G and Nick though. 

Every. Single. Day. ♥

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


On our way home this evening I told the kiddo that he could have a "dog-dog" for dinner. (hot dog)  He was very excited about this and repeated it over and over til we got home. I went to the fridge and there were no "dog-dogs" in sight!! Oh no! What to do, what to do? 
I got his hopes up for a "dog-dog", and I'd better deliver!

So we went to Five Guys. :)

He was cool with that. 

Sunday, April 18, 2010

26 Weeks

I was so excited to hit week 26 and was prepared to throw myself a little party for hitting the third trimester, when I double checked online and found that I am still in the second. Third trimester is not until week 28. Darn it!

Nothing new medically speaking this week. Nothing new personally either, now that I think about it. I don't think I look 26 weeks pregnant either, because people seem shocked when I say I'm that far along. I gotta say, I like how I carry babies. ;)

I have now graduated to carrying an entire bottle of Tums in my purse, rather than just a few of them.
I also take ages to get comfy when I try to go to sleep- and then Tory usually gets home from work at some ungodly hour and wakes me up, so I have to toss and turn even more to fall asleep again.
I get winded from doing nothing. Literally. Like I'll walk to the bathroom from the couch and be out of breath. lol  Carrying Tyler wipes me out SO fast. (Which may explain why the doctor told me not to do it...)

But all in all things are good, and I just cannot wait for these next 14ish weeks to pass so I can hold my daughter!! (Whose name is still unknown. Our "list" of one name has grown to three. lol)

Cravings this week: More protein please!  And oranges.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's Official...

... I'm nesting.

*Tyler's room is now ready to become Tyler and Baby Girl's room. It's been completely rearranged and cleaned.*

*All of Tyler's clothes- Newborn to 2T- have been unpacked out of cardboard diaper cases and re-packed into nice labeled Rubbermaid containers. Same with all the other baby stuff: blankets, sheets, towels, burp cloths, shoes/socks, hats, bibs, etc...*

*Tory's and my clothes have all been removed from our dressers, unfolded, refolded, and replaced neatly. Every single piece. 
{And not one of Tory's shirts or socks is inside out anymore. Every last one of them was because I refuse to fix them when I do laundry. ;)}*

*The closet has been emptied and sorted and refilled.*

*We now have a giant box of yard sale clothes. Giant. 
{Not to mention the box of books and other un-needed/un-used items}*

*All laundry (including clothes, towels, and sheets/blankets) has been washed and folded and put away.*

*The main room has been rearranged and cleaned too.*

*The dog's nails have been cut.*

*Picture frames that have been sitting around empty for months are now filled and hanging on walls.*

*All the fabric is cut for one of my 8 custom orders.*

*A list of things we need for Baby Girl has been made.*

*Grocery shopping is done, a deposit was made at the bank, and photos were picked up at Costco.*

*About a dozen other "small" chores have been completed- scrubbing down the TV trays, cleaning the full length mirror, cleaning the TV/computer screens, etc...*

All that was done today. 
And I still have 15 weeks til Baby is born. lol

So yes. I am nesting.

Either that, or I've gone insane.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Tyler's New Pool

I use the term "pool" lightly... it's more like a big piece of plastic, but it'll work til we decide he needs a bigger/better one. ;)

Besides, you don't see him complaining. ♥
(Check out his brand spankin' new swimsuit too!! I thought khakis in the pool might be a little weird. lol)

He splashed. A lot. I'm kinda worried about bath time now...

Having a chat with my baby. I was telling him something about how lucky he is to have an awesome mommy who went out at the spur of the moment to buy him a pool and an awesome swimsuit. He wholeheartedly agreed with me. ;)

We also broke out the squirt gun.

He was determined to get that thing to work! 

And then he got himself in the face. :) He laughed... and did it again.

More Hose Fun

Once again, Tyler is too young to think of this as a chore. Watering flowers is FUN! (Just like washing the cars)

Getting ready for work.

And here he goes!
{I only hope he didn't drown the plants... Sorry Grandma! ;)}

Time for a milkshake break:

And a play break, in case the watering was just too much work for such a little guy.

After the bubbles, they washed Daddy's car. And by washed, I mean sprayed water on it. ;)
And then I got home with my "surprise"...
(See next post)

Sprinkler Fun turned Bucket Fun

Tyler thought he was a fan of the sprinkler. And he is... when it's on the porch. We decided that it was warm enough to try it out today. Even though I realized that the kiddo had no swimsuit. Khaki's work just fine! ;)

"Let me help!"

Getting ready for some sprinkler fun...

"Save me Mommy!!!!" 
He wasn't sure of the frigid water raining down from the sky. He came running to me saying "off! off!"

So off the sprinkler went, and out came the bucket. 
He's totally in awe of this weird thing that spits out water!

No crying over spilled... water... around here. It's pretty funny actually!

He refilled his bucket and...

Who needs dry pants?

Right around this time I left to pick up a "surprise". While I was gone, Tyler did some gardening. (See next post. I think there are too many pictures to put them all in one. ;) )

25 weeks!!

Can it be? Is Baby Girl really no longer a papaya?? That's right, now she's an eggplant. Blech!! 

A papaya sounds so much cuter. Ah well, now she's an eggplant for a few weeks and there's not much I can do about it. :)  
Her eyes are beginning to form and soon she will be able to blink. Her immune system is getting ready for the world outside of me. Oh, and they say people might be able to hear her heartbeat from the outside with no stethoscope! We haven't tried this yet, but I'm sure we will eventually. 
All that is the 25-28 week update. So nothing new for the next few weeks. (Except that I think I may get another ultrasound in that time!)

As for how I'm feeling, just lovely! Seriously, I am exhausted and heartburn-y still, but other than that I feel pretty much normal. I do already have a hard time getting comfortable when I go to sleep, which makes me very scared of what the next few weeks will bring when I get huge! But only 15 more weeks left. I can handle anything for 15 weeks if I get to hold a brand new baby girl at the end! ♥  
(I'd better watch what I say... to be honest, besides some major complications, one of my worst fears is bed rest!)

I had an OB appointment today where I learned that I have gained a whopping 20 pounds so far. I got home and told Tory that I didn't feel like I looked like I gained that much. And he didn't say anything. Poophead.
There really wasn't much to the appointment- my blood pressure is good, uterus growth is good, Baby Girl's heartbeat is good... and that's about it. My next appointment is in a month, and after that we go to bi-weekly appointments! Time flies when you have a toddler at home! ;)

Also, I get to set up my second ultrasound for 4-6 weeks from now, which will determine whether or not I need a C-section. I'm not as nervous as I thought I'd be when faced with that idea. I think I'm just so happy that the baby is healthy and will get outta me somehow, that I'm not dwelling on surgery.

 {looking at Tory and not the camera. whoops!)

Cravings this week: Anything! That's right, I'm hungry all the time. I eat 6 small-ish meals every day. (Who am I kidding. They aren't that small!) Plus snacks. Anything will do, thanks. Especially meat. Duh. And for whatever reason I like desserts, which, if you know me, is not me at all!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Car Wash

Today, Grandma asked Tyler if he wanted to go outside and scrub scrub the car. Those words are some of his favorites! ("outside", "scrub scrub", and "car")  He is still at the age where washing the cars is not a chore... it's FUN! :)

He started out fully clothed.

That did not last long. At all. He was a huge fan of the hose. ;)

He didn't fully understand the rinsing idea, but he did like to try to fill the tire up with water. lol

...and then he discovered the puddle at the end of the driveway. That was the end of his helping. 

Of course, he had to point out the cars and trucks that drove by. 
Some things never change. 

Then Grandma got out a tub Tyler's pool. ;) 
They splashed a lot.

And then he climbed right on in!

He is gonna love playing in a real pool once we finally buy one for him!