Monday, June 28, 2010

36 weeks

I have made it to 36 weeks. That means technically I have 4 weeks to go, but I'll be induced in twenty-three days!!!!!! 
An amazing and scary thought. :)

I had an OB appointment today, during which I learned that I have gained a whopping 31lbs total and, despite tons of contractions every day, I am not dilated at all. Oh, and my blood pressure is fine and Dandelion's heartbeat is great. That's it. I guess no news is good news. 
Although yet again, I was hoping they'd send me straight to the hospital. ;)

I set up my final three appointments today too. Next Wednesday, then the two Mondays after that. The end is near!!

In other news, which really isn't news at all, I'm tired and heartburn-y. Shocking, I know! ;)
I feel pretty huge, but I know I'm carrying really well again so I can't complain. And I've gained 20lbs less than I did (total) with Tyler, so I really can't complain!
I sleep in two positions: left and right. But on the right I start having trouble breathing after a while so it's mostly left. Fun fun fun!

We've chosen a name. Well, probably. LOL  We're so indecisive and I wouldn't be surprised if we change it yet again, but for the moment we have one picked out. Yay us! 

Cravings: Can't say that I'm craving anything at the moment, but I did just inhale some Chick-fil-a nuggets and Oreos, and it was amazing. I'll probably be eating that again soon. ;)

Growing growing growing! I think I'm getting bigger by the minute!

Tyler's First Haircut

Yea yea yea... I waited til he was two years, two weeks, and 6 days old before cutting his hair. But it's still a big deal! ;)

I positively adore my son's hair. It is so white and long and beautiful and perfect, and no, I did not want to cut it. But I finally broke down and did it. Well, I asked my mom to do it. And she did. 

I have no before/after pictures. 
{You try getting a two year old to sit still enough for a good photo of his hair! lol}

But without further ado, here are my "during" photos.

Getting started!
He loved the cape... or "covers" as he called it. lol

Not sure about this.

Getting some reassurance from Mama.

That's some loooong hair!

He had some fun with the spray bottle. He emptied it on Zach. lol

Hey, maybe this ain't so bad after all! LOL
Abby brings out the... weird... in him. ;)

So there you have it. I don't think most people would be able to tell the difference, but I certainly see it! It's MUCH shorter than it was. And neater too. We're probably going to change it up pretty soon because it's already thicker and will eventually need to be cut into a "style" or buzzed to make it look good. 

But let me get used to this, and then prepare myself for the next step. Maybe another two years or so...

Tyler, Zach, and a Trampoline

Tyler loves the trampoline. And he loves Zach. Put the two together, and Tyler is one happy kiddo!

They bounced...

And fell down...

Tyler "helped" Zach up...

They bounced some more...

And fell down some more...

...and you can see where I'm going. 

It went over and over like that for quite some time. :)

Zach's home!

We have been telling Tyler for quite a while that Zach is coming home. (My brother, Tyler's uncle, Tory's favorite person. lol) He's met Zach before, but we weren't sure he'd remember him. 

Well, now Zach is home. And Tyler is obsessed with his uncle. I've got the pictures to prove it.

At first Tyler was a bit unsure, but he warmed up the second Zach handed him the hose...

...and let Tyler drench him with it!
 Just hanging out. (I was serious when I said "drenched"! lol)

Zach was telling Tyler about the helicopter that's on "his" boat. (Zach's in the Coast Guard and his last job was on a ship, he's heading to Alabama when his leave is up.)
Tyler thought that was pretty awesome.
Laughing about some guy thing I guess.

Playing in the play house that we played in as kids. So weird to see my own kid up there!

I have more... but they're for the next post. Too many to add to this one. ;)

Frogs and Stuff

Happy, as always, to be headin to the creek.

Finally some good frog pictures! Tyler loves frogs!

He tells them to "hop", and then laughs when they do. ♥
He named this big guy "Green". lol

A little after-creek snack: frozen Go-gurt!

May as well be a popsicle. ;)

A Change of Pace

Gettin' ready to go the playground with Dada!
No creek today, but Tyler's cool with that.

Tyler loves driving- real cars and playground cars. ;)

Ok, not too many pictures this time. Sorry. ;)

The Creek and The Mall

The more pregnant I get, the more time Tyler spends with Tory. (Which, by the way, is what Tyler calls him about 50% of the time. He's Tory and Dada. Pretty funny!)

Here's their "spot". Every time they trek down to the creek (which like I said, is daily) this it where they end up.

Just an adorable picture of my favorite lil' boy.

This time he wanted to walk across by himself. Tory let him get a few rocks in before saving him from certain soaked-ness. ;)

Unfortunately there are no photos, but during this trip, in addition to the normal frogs, they saw a bunny and a deer. When they got home, Tyler ran to me saying "Bunny! Hop! Deer! Running! Ty! Running! Frogs! Hop! Water!" (Yea, he pauses between every word, but he sure gets the point across. lol)

Today, after the creek, they went to the mall for some fun. Tyler gets to ride the "horse" (carousel) just about every time Tory takes him to the mall. (Spoiled much??)
He also gets some sort of treat every time. (Again, spoiled much?)
{Oh, and now I know why he's such a brat when I take him to the mall and won't buy him anything. lol}

This time it was an M&M cookie.
Of course, gotta pick the M&Ms off first.

And eat them one by one.

Then you can eat the cookie. :)

Yep, that could be called another good day. 
Tyler has lots of good days. :)

Bug Spray and Stuff

My photos have been piling up over the last week, so the following few posts will likely be picture heavy. And since Tory and Tyler have gone to the creek every single day, there may be a recurring theme in said posts...

First things first.
He always gets a good coating of bug spray- thanks to his super sensitive skin which reacts to bug bites... not so nicely.

It may help protect from the mosquitos, but it sure doesn't taste very good!

Throwing rocks is still a highlight. (Frogs are better, but no frog pics this trip)

He's also recently discovered running. He'll run up and down the path over and over again. :)

Just doin' some repairs before heading home.

All that rock throwin', frog huntin', runnin', and wagon repairin' (not to mention the stink and stickiness of the bug spray) required a bath. Immediately after arriving home. 
Complete with bubbles of course!

The following picture has nothing to do with the creek, but it was the same day. ;)  Gram made some sort of corned beef and cabbage thing for dinner... and Tyler was chowing down on the cabbage! Who knew??
{He may not be my kid... if we're looking strictly at his food choices. ;)}

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Can it be??

Tyler is two years old. He does not sleep through the night.
{4 days old}
He used to have no trouble sleeping.
{1 week old}

Any time, any place...
{2 weeks old}

But then we moved.
{1 month old}

Way back in December.
{2 months old}

 And ever since then he has been up multiple times every night. That's almost 7 long months. 

The good news is that he has slept all the way through for the last three nights!! 
I'm hoping this is his new thing.
The bad news is that in 4 short weeks I'll have a newborn getting me up all through the night again. lol

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A Boy and His Dog

Or it could be A Dog and His Boy.
Either way.

Today we gave Tyler about a dozen treats to give Dexter, so that we could attempt to get an amazing picture of the two of them. 
The results were 15-20 blurry photos of a drooling Great Dane and a toddler wrestling over said treats, nobody looking at the camera, nobody sitting still, nobody really caring at all that Mama wanted a good framed photo of her two kids. lol

But here's what I got when I told Tyler to hug Dex:
{Literally the only postable picture. The rest were total crap}

And here's the dog who makes the neighbors look over the fence as if they're at the zoo.
 Seriously, the people who live behind us had a party in their backyard yesterday. I was outside with Dex when I heard about a dozen "Oh my God"s and a bunch of gasps and I turned to find them all staring. 
In their defense, there was a barking blue merle (read: weird looking) Great Dane out there. And an 8 months pregnant woman bleaching and scrubbing a high chair on the deck. Maybe it did look like a zoo.