Sunday, April 4, 2010

Not Tyler's First Easter

Why do I still think that every holiday is Tyler's first?? The kid is almost two years old! 

So today was not Tyler's first Easter. 

His pretty awesome Easter basket.

He was showing me how to open his new Thomas train.

He loooooves his trains!

Trying to eat his marshmallow-y bunny lollipop... through the wrapper. Not so tasty!

Not so sure about Peeps...

"Here Dad, you eat it!"

"Hmmm... Daddy doesn't want it. Maybe the train will eat it."

And those are all the "Easter" pictures we got. 
He played with his toys, and soon Daddy had to head to work so Tyler and I went to G's house. We hung out for a while, opened a second Easter basket (lots of fun toys, no pictures), then we went to the circus (next blog post), then home for nap, up and back to G's house for dinner, home to open basket #3 from Grandma and Grandpa (lots of candy, again, no pictures), bath time, and bed time. 
That's my lazy way of summing up our Easter. :)

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