Sunday, April 18, 2010

26 Weeks

I was so excited to hit week 26 and was prepared to throw myself a little party for hitting the third trimester, when I double checked online and found that I am still in the second. Third trimester is not until week 28. Darn it!

Nothing new medically speaking this week. Nothing new personally either, now that I think about it. I don't think I look 26 weeks pregnant either, because people seem shocked when I say I'm that far along. I gotta say, I like how I carry babies. ;)

I have now graduated to carrying an entire bottle of Tums in my purse, rather than just a few of them.
I also take ages to get comfy when I try to go to sleep- and then Tory usually gets home from work at some ungodly hour and wakes me up, so I have to toss and turn even more to fall asleep again.
I get winded from doing nothing. Literally. Like I'll walk to the bathroom from the couch and be out of breath. lol  Carrying Tyler wipes me out SO fast. (Which may explain why the doctor told me not to do it...)

But all in all things are good, and I just cannot wait for these next 14ish weeks to pass so I can hold my daughter!! (Whose name is still unknown. Our "list" of one name has grown to three. lol)

Cravings this week: More protein please!  And oranges.

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