Thursday, April 29, 2010

Meagan and Motorcycles

Does it get better than that?? :)

It's Thursday again, which means Daddy and Tyler day. They went, again, to visit Meagan. 
{No, it does not get old. ;)}

Apparently Tyler almost fell asleep in the hammock. ♥
Tyler looooves his aunt Meagan. He actually has a name for her now! "MEEE!" lol  So freakin' cute!

Meagan's friend Gary is keeping his motorcycle at her house for a while. Have I mentioned that motorcycles are Tyler's #1 very very very favorite thing in the whole wide world??
{I'm sure D (Tyler's grandpa) will let the Harley thing slide for now... he can teach Tyler about the right kind of motorcycles when he gets a little older. ;)}

He was sure he could get it turned on with that key and get the heck outta there!

Yep, another good day out with Daddy... and Meagan... and motorcycles. :)

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