Thursday, April 22, 2010

A Day with Daddy (and Meagan)

While I was working today, Tory and Tyler were very busy. Playing, of course.

Their travels took them to Meagan's house for a visit. 

They played in Meagan's castle in the woods.

And by "they", I do mean "they".

 Tyler is very good at letting people know what he wants. It was clear to Meagan that she was supposed to climb through too. ;)

He climbed a tree or two.

With some help

He played on the rope swing. Again, with some help.

He blew lots of bubbles

And popped them with his bubble wand.

He just generally looked adorable

And then he gave Meagan some big kisses when it was time to leave.
{Maybe not. But he was tolerant enough of her kisses. ;)}

Then, on the way home, he ate a peppermint patty from Meagan, while playing on his brand new very own laptop that Grandpa gave him!

I'd say that qualifies as a good day!

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