Sunday, April 4, 2010

24 weeks down, 16 weeks to go!!

Nothing new to report this week. Baby Girl is still the size of a darn papaya. And still listening to the world around us. And still has a fully formed face. :p

As for how I'm feeling, pretty much the same. I've learned to take a 45min-1hour nap every day when Tyler does, and I feel good as new when I wake up. Tums are still my friend.

I do have a confession: I secretly (ok, not so secretly) hope there's a second girl hiding somewhere in there. Not because I SO want twins (although I do), but because I am completely in love with TWO baby girl names. One of which we had agreed on, and the other which Tory told me he hated, but then just the other day changed his mind. Ugh! Now I'm torn. So I'm just hoping for two lil' girls. lol

Cravings this week: Target pretzels and Chick Fil A sandwiches. :)

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