Tuesday, April 13, 2010

It's Official...

... I'm nesting.

*Tyler's room is now ready to become Tyler and Baby Girl's room. It's been completely rearranged and cleaned.*

*All of Tyler's clothes- Newborn to 2T- have been unpacked out of cardboard diaper cases and re-packed into nice labeled Rubbermaid containers. Same with all the other baby stuff: blankets, sheets, towels, burp cloths, shoes/socks, hats, bibs, etc...*

*Tory's and my clothes have all been removed from our dressers, unfolded, refolded, and replaced neatly. Every single piece. 
{And not one of Tory's shirts or socks is inside out anymore. Every last one of them was because I refuse to fix them when I do laundry. ;)}*

*The closet has been emptied and sorted and refilled.*

*We now have a giant box of yard sale clothes. Giant. 
{Not to mention the box of books and other un-needed/un-used items}*

*All laundry (including clothes, towels, and sheets/blankets) has been washed and folded and put away.*

*The main room has been rearranged and cleaned too.*

*The dog's nails have been cut.*

*Picture frames that have been sitting around empty for months are now filled and hanging on walls.*

*All the fabric is cut for one of my 8 custom orders.*

*A list of things we need for Baby Girl has been made.*

*Grocery shopping is done, a deposit was made at the bank, and photos were picked up at Costco.*

*About a dozen other "small" chores have been completed- scrubbing down the TV trays, cleaning the full length mirror, cleaning the TV/computer screens, etc...*

All that was done today. 
And I still have 15 weeks til Baby is born. lol

So yes. I am nesting.

Either that, or I've gone insane.

1 comment:

Kris said...

So how'd you like an all expense paid trip to Germany??? I could use you for at least a week :) I'd love to get all Colin's stuff out of old Pampers boxes and into real rubbermaid containers!!