Sunday, May 16, 2010

3/4 of the way!

I am 3/4 of the way to holding my baby girl! That's 75% down, 25% to go! That's 30 weeks in, just 10 more left! 

Dandelion is still the size of a squash. And the "unofficial" medical update from last week still holds true this week. Nothing new to report there.

I'm feeling pretty good, all things considered. The same as the last few weeks. I am able to sleep in 2 different positions, and I end up alternating between the two about every 45 minutes all night long. lol Fortunately I am still able to sleep pretty well, considering the size of my uterus! ;)

I had an ultrasound this morning, but unfortunately I didn't get any new pictures. It was just to measure things and check the placenta again. The good news is that there is no bad news. :)  The placenta is out of the way enough that I should be able to have a natural delivery (yikes!) and Dandelion is growing perfectly- she weighs 3lbs 6oz!!

Cravings this week:  Still ribs and still apples. :)

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