Thursday, March 25, 2010

Same Thing, Different Day

Well whaddaya know!? We went outside and walked down the driveway today. Again. What can I say? Life on the mountain involves lots and lots and lots of time outside.

We spent a good portion of the day on the bench. For reasons I do not understand, Tyler loves the bench.
Of course, he pointed enthusiastically when he "found" it.

And he headed on over...

He made a pit stop at the ceramic pots to investigate their contents 
(leaves and rocks, placed there by himself yesterday) 

and climbed right on up!

Then he sat there and waited for cars to drive by... which does not happen often way up here. ;)

He excitedly pointed each one out to me, in case I needed help finding them myself.
(I believe we saw four today)

I have to be honest, he is not wearing his jacket today because I knew I'd be taking pictures and I wanted them to look at least a teeny bit different than every other picture I've taken this week! Poor cold baby... 
(It wasn't actually cold, but that really was my reason for skipping the jacket!)

So there's another "exciting" day up here on the mountain. 
Tomorrow we'll be cleaning up the house and probably playing outside some more, then heading home in the evening. We've had a good week, but we definitely miss home! (a.k.a. our husband/daddy) Ok, we miss Dex too.
And I might miss having cell service... me = texting addict. ;)

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