Sunday, March 28, 2010

23 weeks- Still a Papaya

23 down, 17 to go! It's incredible how fast time flies with the second pregnancy. Could it have something to do with chasing a toddler around??? ;)

This week the baby is still a papaya, so nothing new or exciting there. The not-so-handy not-so-dandy fruit website also has no changes in development from last week. :/  So I guess that just means that Baby Girl is still listening to all the sounds around us and her face is still fully formed. lol

No big changes in how I feel either. The heartburn is getting worse, and if I recall correctly from last time, it'll just keep right on coming til the minute Baby Girl is born.

Cravings this week: Red Gatorade and Trefoils. And meat. (Still an inhuman amount of meat...)

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