Sunday, February 28, 2010

Bath Time Fun

 Bath time is quite possibly Tyler's very favorite time of day. He gets sooo excited when someone mentions the "B" word! 

Here are just a few cute pictures from last night's bath.

Warning: There may be some adorable baby-butt nudity...


This is the "Baby Einstein" character whom Tory has given the name "Scuba Steve". (Yes, from Big Daddy) Don't know why they've named this guy that, but it's stuck! Scuba Steve is a must-have for every bath!

Tyler loves to give Scuba Steve his bath. He washes him with the cool kid soap, and says "Scrub scrub scrub" over and over. lol

What kind of mother would I be if I didn't have at least one picture of my baby's bottom?? Probably a good one, actually. hahaha

 I'll be honest, bath time is actually Daddy/Tyler time. I don't think I've given him one bath since we moved here! I just pop in with the camera from time to time. Tyler prefers it that way. ;)

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