Friday, July 2, 2010

Father/Son Time. Again.

Tory and Tyler went out today. I stayed home and... slept. In my defense, I'm growing a human right now, so I'm kinda tired. :P

But the guys sure had a great day!

It started with a trip to the choo choo park. Which happens to be Tyler's very favorite place to play. ♥
Of course, what two year old boy wouldn't love a train themed playground, complete with trucks to "bounce" on??

They moved on to the other favorite place: the mall. Gotta love the play place there too! (It's an airport theme)

And what would a trip to the mall be without a ride on the carousel?
{Have I mentioned that Tory kinda spoils our son?}

This time, rather than riding a horse, Tyler discovered the spinning thingies. He loooves to spin! Apparently he got it spinning very fast all by himself, and would not let Dada touch the wheel at all. Go figure. 

Next up was lunch time...

I guess the chicken and rice was so good that he needed two forks!
That's my boy! ♥

By the looks of the next two pictures, they told jokes the whole way home. ;)

♥ The kiddo and the daddy both love their days out together. ♥

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