Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Lia's 6 week check up

Lia had an appointment with the pediatrician today. I did not have a babysitter. So this morning I told Tyler that he had to be a big boy and help Mama with Lia at the doctor's. He was thrilled. 

I got them changed, fed, and in the car early. (A small miracle)

We got to the office and the receptionist told me that our insurance says Lia has not been added to our policy yet, so we have to pay out of pocket. 
A) Yes she has been added. 3 weeks ago.
B) Um no. I'm not paying. 

So I called Tory who called the insurance company who said they would have her on the policy within 24 hours.
(I'm not sure I believe them. They also said it was done 3 weeks ago.)
I relayed that to the receptionist who said "Ok, come back Friday."
Are you kidding me? I just got my two year old and my six week old here early and you're telling me it was for nothing?? 

Yep. They wouldn't take us today unless I payed $150 plus vaccines. 

We're going back on Friday. All three of us. :P

{No worries, I was nice about it. Even though she could have called me before I got my kids up to come to this stinkin' office! ;)}

Lia's 6 week photo. LOL

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