Thursday, September 9, 2010

Lia's 6 week check up at 7 weeks

We sure had a hard time scheduling an appointment for the little girl! I mentioned our first attempt in a previous blog post. After that, we rescheduled the appt twice before finally finding a time that worked for us and the office. Ugh!

So by the time we made it in, it was her 7 week birthday!! That's right folks, my little princess is 7 weeks (and one day) old! Time flies...

She weighs 11.2lbs (80th percentile)
She is 22.75 in long {tall?} (85th percentile)
And her noggin is Xin around {I don't remember, and I don't really care too much. lol} (80th percentile)

So she's no longer in the 98th percentile for height like last time, but I still think she's gonna be a tall girl. ;)

She got 3 vaccines yesterday- two shots and one oral. She guzzled the oral one down and wanted more. lol
She was not so much a fan of the shots. She flipped out of course, and it actually took me a few minutes to calm her down once I could hold her again. (As opposed to Tyler, who stopped crying the second I picked him after his baby shots.)

All in all she's a big healthy lil' girl. ;)  And beautiful. 
{No, the doctor didn't say that, but I know she was thinking it...}

Tyler enjoyed this trip to the dr's office... he got himself TWO lollipops! 
{He's decided he likes the doctor after all}

A few photos of my 7 week old (and her big brother) ♥

Ty was telling her about blowing bubbles. {Really}

Precious kisses

Showing Lia how the bubble gun works

Love this! :)

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