Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Early Part of Halloween (Part 1 of 3)

We spent all day in Sterling with our families. I have too many pictures for one post, so this is 1/3.

Our first stop was Tory's parents' house, where we had lunch. Not just any lunch! Mummy dogs!!

Tyler also ate three whole bowls of pumpkin mousse. THREE WHOLE BOWLS. And he probably would have eaten more had I let him. Suffice it to say he was a fan, and I will be making it at home now. lol

There may have been some fun and games during lunch too...

Tory and his dad left for a sports memorbilia show that was in the area. Grandma, Tyler, Dexter, and I left for a walk.

As usual, the kiddo had to throw sticks and rocks over the fence. :)

And then he had to pick every leaf off of one tree. (And a few off of some others).

That's the end of part one. After the walk Tyler got a little fussy. Ok, a lot fussy! I took him over to my parents' house for a nap. He slept for over 2 hours before waking up in a wonderful mood. And that's where part two picks up...

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