Thursday, December 10, 2009


It has a way of going places you never expected.

Long story short, Tory lost his job Thanksgiving week. Very unexpectedly. Obviously with a toddler and a baby on the way, we kind of need an income. Not to mention insurance!

Our next step is to leave Stephens City and move into Tory's parent's basement for a while. They've offered to pay for him to finish his degree. The plan as of now (though I've learned not to plan things! they never work out!!) is to live there for a while, Tory will take online classes and hopefully find a decent job that will work around his school schedule and offer insurance. I know. Dream big! If he doesn't find a good job soon, then I will be going back to work.

We have to be out of our townhouse by Christmas, so we've got our hands full for the next two weeks!

Good news, I'm still rather sick, which I believe means the baby is healthy. It's a fair trade. :)

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