Saturday, November 15, 2008

Holy Toofers Batman!

We have a tooth!! Tyler went to bed one night, toothless, and woke up the next morning with a little white thing poking outta his gums. I only noticed because he was chewing on my finger as usual, and then suddenly it hurt! =D He's been a bit fussy, and chews really hard on anything he can get his hands on.
I can't get a good picture of the tooth, because the goofball tends to stick his tongue out anytime my hand comes near.

Nothing much else to say now. He is still a food lover. Still loves rolling around on the floor, still close to crawling and sitting up on his own. Soon we'll be trying for some holiday/Christmas pictures of Tyler and Dexter. Should be interesting...

We went to see Nick's soccer game last week... Got an excellent "photography" shot of Tyler.

Trying on Daddy's size 14 shoes!

World's Messiest Eater

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