Wednesday, October 15, 2008


My little one is 4 months, 1 week, and 1 day old! Time sure does fly! He seems to be changing by the minute. Yesterday I gave him his first taste of applesauce and he LOVED it! He made sour face for the first 4 or 5 bites, but then started opening his mouth asking for more. What a sweetheart. We'll spend a few days on applesauce, then move on to something else. I hope he gets his daddy's taste in food in that he'll eat anything! I don't want him to be as picky as I was as a kid- I hear I only ate chicken nuggets for about a year. :)

Tyler very much enjoying his new food

Sticky fingers! Yummy!!

He is still a very good baby, even if he won't commit to a schedule. The only thing I can count on is that he will be up at 7:30am on the dot, no matter when he went to bed. Most days we try for a morning and and afternoon nap, but that rarely happens. Ty is so giggly and happy almost all the time. When he wakes up from a nap or in the morning he just lays there laughing while I talk to him.
Dexter is still perfect as can be with the baby. I think he likes the change to applesauce more than Tyler does! He likes to lick Ty's fingers (and face!) for any remnants. ;)


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