Monday, August 23, 2010

Over the weekend...

Tyler got to "ride" in a canoe with G
{Happy birthday G!!}

He got to help Nick wash the canoe

All while wearing his cowboy boots, of course

Oaf managed to fall off his bed and couldn't be bothered to get back on

Miss Lia turned one month old!

And she got to spend some time with her aunt Meagan. ♥

And... drum roll please...

Tyler went pee on the potty!!!!! 
{He actually did not use that seat, but I thought the picture worked with his big news. ;)}

I had no idea that I'd ever celebrate someone urinating on a toilet... or be so proud of that somebody. lol
And he did it all on his own too! We were lying in bed and he kept messing with his diaper. I asked Tory to grab a new one, and when I took the old one off Ty said he had to pee. I asked if he wanted to go to the potty and he said yes. He stepped up on the stool, did his business, and came back to bed. 

What a big boy!
(And a kinda sad Mama. He's growing up too fast!)

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