Wednesday, August 25, 2010

National Harbor (Aug24)

A fun place indeed!

Today we (the kids and I) headed out for a day with G (my mom) and Abs (my sis). 

Now that I think about it, we didn't really do anything. Except walk. And take pictures. So without further ado...

The pictures:

Getting ready for the day... with my totally sweet new stroller. LOVE it!

Our first stop was lunch... at a place called Ketchup. It sounds cooler (and cheaper! lol) than it is. I have no photos of that, because Lia needed to eat and Tyler wouldn't sit still... 'nough said. 

Next we headed down to see this guy buried in the sand. Yes, a guy in the sand. 
Poor Ty was a bit scared of him.

With good reason... the guy tried to eat Abby!

Not sure why, but I love this picture!
{Thanks Ab, for making the edges look cool! lol}

I guess the hand wasn't as scary as the head.

He tried to push the boulders in the water

When that didn't work, he threw some teeny rocks in the water.

We posed for another picture

Then we went to Ben and Jerry's

And sat on a cow seat. (I kinda want one...)

Ty was also afraid of the cow. Until he told it to "sit", then he was fine with posing for a pic! 

We found these neat windows that were TV screens with fish swimming back and forth. (Like the screen saver on a computer, only tons of them)

I love making him laugh. ♥

Lia slept through most of this

That would be G and Abs. My family is awesome! :)

The highlight of Tyler's day...

{Yea, that's what he was saying. For a good 30 min. At least.}

And he kept telling me he got his finger wet. lol

Tyler consumed a disturbing amount of Jelly Beans on the way home... and then crashed the minute I put him in bed for his nap.That was a good day. :)

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