Thursday, July 29, 2010

Visiting with some family

I hadn't seen my grandma since Tyler was just 3 months old- that's almost two years ago!. They happened to be in Virginia for the last few weeks, and called to see if they could stop by once Lia was born. 
Ummm YES!

Bubba (I gave her that name when I was first learning to talk ;)) and Karen (her friend) came by on Tuesday, July 27. 
Karen, Lia, Me, Tyler, Bubba

Mom and Abs came over too

Tyler couldn't be left out- he needed to hold Lia too. ;)

We visited for a few hours before they had to head back to my cousin's house, where they're staying while in the state.
(They're on a trip around the country, kinda. Just going wherever they want with their truck and camper, their dog Emma, and Karen's husband Mike. Lucky them!)

Lia and her great-grandma

Lia and Karen

It was SO good to see them again, and I'm very happy they got to re-meet Tyler and meet-for-the-first-time Lia. ♥

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