Monday, July 12, 2010

38 weeks

Yessiree, I have made it to week number 38. This means, as of today, I have TEN DAYS left til induction! I gotta say, I'm glad Dr. A is taking Dandelion out a tad early. Very glad.

I had an appointment this morning... here are the stats from that.

I am up about 34lbs from pre-pregnancy weight. 
(I'm hoping that all goes away as soon as she's born, with no work on my part. lol)

Blood pressure = good

Uterus size = good

Dandelion's heartbeat = good. 
Actually, it was 130, which is the lowest I've ever heard, but the doctor said it's all good and Dandelion was just napping. ;)

Dilation = ZERO Centimeters. That's right. Big fat ZERO. 
Which I just don't get, because I have contractions all the freakin time. 
I am "slightly effaced", but frankly that means nothing to me. Yea it's a start to the whole labor thing, but it's not dilation! :P

 No, I'm not nervous about having this baby. To be honest, I am so not stressed about labor/delivery at all. The things I worry about are hilarious, actually. Like I'm afraid of my water breaking at awkward times. Like what if I'm painting my nails? And then it breaks and I don't have time to finish or let them dry. Oh the horrors! lol  But hey, I think it's better to stress about something silly like that rather than anything serious going wrong. ;)

I've been asked a dozen times in the last week or so, so here it is again. We are not having a baby shower, but we are registered at Target. The items on the registry are basic things we need, but we are not picky at all. 
For example, there are burp cloths on there- I don't give a darn what kind of burp cloths we get so feel free to shop wherever you want. ;)  Same with bibs, onesies, etc...

The only things we DON'T need are 0-3month clothes. If you wanna buy outfits for Dandelion, go for colder weather stuff in 6m+. :) 

Also, there's a glider on the registry. If you buy it for me, I will feel horrible that you dropped 200 bucks on me, but I will love you forever. lol
(Same with that ridiculously expensive, but totally gorgeous diaper bag!)
There's nothing new to say about how I'm feeling. I'm super tired, super heartburn-y, and super uncomfortable. But let's not complain about that. It'll be over in TEN DAYS.

Cravings: Vanilla yogurt. Don't ask why, I don't know. 

  Still cookin' my lil' girl! 

OH YEA!!! We have a name! Tory and I have agreed on one that we adore and have also agreed not to change it anymore. This does not mean you get to know what it is though. hahaha

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