Thursday, July 29, 2010

Visiting with some family

I hadn't seen my grandma since Tyler was just 3 months old- that's almost two years ago!. They happened to be in Virginia for the last few weeks, and called to see if they could stop by once Lia was born. 
Ummm YES!

Bubba (I gave her that name when I was first learning to talk ;)) and Karen (her friend) came by on Tuesday, July 27. 
Karen, Lia, Me, Tyler, Bubba

Mom and Abs came over too

Tyler couldn't be left out- he needed to hold Lia too. ;)

We visited for a few hours before they had to head back to my cousin's house, where they're staying while in the state.
(They're on a trip around the country, kinda. Just going wherever they want with their truck and camper, their dog Emma, and Karen's husband Mike. Lucky them!)

Lia and her great-grandma

Lia and Karen

It was SO good to see them again, and I'm very happy they got to re-meet Tyler and meet-for-the-first-time Lia. ♥

Tyler Visits The Water Mine!!

A few days after we got home, G called to ask if she and Abs could take Ty to the pool for a few hours. 
Who am I to say no? ;)

So they picked him up Monday morning and headed out for some fun... only to find that the pool was closed. :P
They made up a Plan B, which turned out to be The Water Mine! Tyler sure wasn't complaining. A water park?? Heck yes!

Apparently he loved loved loved the lazy river. Ok, who doesn't?

He also liked to "jump" into the pool...


He snuggled up with Abs for a while too. ♥
(Is this not the sweetest thing ever??)

He looks rather thrilled with his day, don't ya think?

Drying off for some more fun...

The carousel with G!! We all know how much this guy loves riding carousels! 

He sure had a ball that day. And he came home completely and utterly exhausted. They got home around 2:15 and he went straight to sleep and slept til 6pm. Whoa! 
(I won't say no if they ever want to do that again... lol)

Thanks G and Abs for giving Tyler such a FUN day!

A few days worth of fun!

Just because there's a new kiddo in the house does not at all mean that the first kiddo is being neglected! Life goes on as normal as possible for him...

A trip to the creek with Tory? 
(Who is never called Dada/Daddy anymore. Strictly Tory. lol)

Yep, he still loves that creek. 

Here he is doing a little Boogie-ing. I love this kid. lol

Water Table Time!
Pouring things into other things is a blast for this guy.

He also likes to spray things. And people.

And he enjoys drinking the water too. Blech!

Yea, I'd say he's got a pretty good life...
He seems happy with it anyway. ♥

He doesn't even seem to mind his little sister too much. ;)

Let's Go Home!

It's about time! This hospital stay seemed much longer than the last one... I'm sure it had a lot to do with the fact that my first baby was at home without me. ;)

I got cleared to go home around 8am on Friday morning (July 23), Lia was cleared to go home just before that. 

4 hours later, we actually got to go home. lol
Here's what we did while we were waiting:
Lia's first time in her car seat. She snoozed the whole way home.

Her first few minutes at home were spent chillin' with Mama...
...and her big brother, who was very happy to have us home, I think. ♥
Dex wanted to get in on welcoming Baby home.

Tyler and I chatted a bit about Lia... mostly he was informing me that she has eyes, nose, hands, feet, mouth, hair, etc... ;)

And then he was done and went off to play with his toys. What can I say? He's two! ;)

It is definitely good to be home. :)

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Tyler meets his baby sister ♥

I could not have been happier when my baby boy finally got to come see us! I hadn't seen him in over 24 hours- which was totally not cool!

He came to sit with Mama and Lia.

We chatted about her nose...

And her hair and hat- which Tyler found very amusing. He took off her hat and laughed. ♥

He begged to hold her. ♥

And he gave her some precious kisses.

My family of FOUR!

Pictures of Lia with her (obsessed) Family

Day One and Day Two
Pictures of Lia with her family... who all love her very very much. ;)

Mama and Lia

Dada and Lia

G and Lia

Gram and Lia

Meagan and Lia Meagan.

Kels and Lia

Abs and Lia

Nick and Lia

Yep, she sure is loved!

The Birth Story

That's right, Dandelion is here! 
(And has been for almost a week... what can I say? I'm recovering!)

Here's how it all went down...

On Wednesday, July 21st, I had an OB appointment.
I got there and Dr. A said that she would check my cervix and either A) I would be dilated 4+ cm and she would send me straight to the hospital OR B) I would still "only" be 3cm and we would have to wait til tomorrow for my scheduled induction. 
Tory and I were very very very hopeful that the strong contractions I'd been having since Monday had been doing their job and gotten me one tiny centimeter closer to Dandelion!

Dr. A went on with the exam...

We waited impatiently for what seemed like forever, though I'm sure it was only a few seconds. ;)

And announced that I was, in fact, FIVE CENTIMETERS DILATED!! 

Off to the hospital we went. 

We were checked in and in a room around 1:00pm. I wasn't technically in labor yet, and Dr. A was going to come in a little later to break my water if we hadn't made any progress. 
{Me and my favorite guy... soon to be parents of TWO!}

She showed up at 2:30pm and sure enough, still 5cm. She busted that water and said she'd be back soon to check on me. 
(Side note: Having your water broken for you doesn't hurt as bad as I thought it would. Or maybe it helps that I'd been told it was extremely painful, so I was expecting the worst. Anyway, it wasn't bad at all.)
{Me and the sisters.}
{The soon to be big brother hanging out in the waiting room with Dada for a while (And G, Gram, Kels, Abba, Mee, and Jeff!)}

That did the trick. I don't remember when I ended up getting the epidural, but it wasn't much later. Some time around 5pm I was told I'd made it to 7cm and Dr. A was heading home for an hour or so. 
{This picture was taken when I was in extreme pain. My mother has no mercy. She told me I'd regret it if I didn't let her take pictures. lol}

I was told at that point to call a nurse if I felt the need to push, and otherwise just try to rest up for the big show.
{I told Tory to take this picture... we have one just like it from when I was in labor with Tyler. The only difference is that I had lime green nails with him. lol}

 It was 5:45ish when I felt the "urge". I waited a few contractions to make sure, then called the nurse. She checked me out and... voila! 10cm! We were ready to go! 
Now all we needed was a doctor!

The nurse said that as long as Dandelion's heartbeat stayed strong through the contractions we could wait for Dr. A. She stayed strong, and at 6:15 or so Dr. A came in, all set to go. 

We called my mom, Tory's mom, and Meagan to come on in for the show.

This baby was a bit happier to come out, and I only had to push through 4 contractions. (About 8-10minutes, rather than the 40-something it took with Tyler) Not too shabby! 

I do know that about halfway through the pushing Dr. A said something about the cord being around Baby's neck. Tory later told me that I turned white and he'd never seen me so scared. But it turned out to be "nothing"- yes, the cord was around her neck, but Dr. A was very quick and got it off with no issues, and out she came!

Tory cut the cord, and Dr. A put my baby girl in my arms, and I got to hold her for a good 20 minutes after she was born. ♥
{There is no better feeling than holding your baby for the first time.}

{Getting to know her Dada... who is already smitten. ;)}

Lia Meagan Hermens
July 21, 2010
8lbs 2oz, 20.5in

Lia and her Mama and Dada.