Sunday, June 20, 2010

Father's Day

This is my "official" Father's Day blog post. But because I am probably the least sappy person on the planet, and because I dislike days where you celebrate a person just because the calendar says to, (i.e. Mother's, Valentine's, Father's Days) it will really be just a regular old post describing our day. Complete with a gazillion photos. Hope that's ok. :)

So we started our day by going to lunch with Gram, Cup, and Sam. 
(Have I mentioned that "Cup" is what Tyler has named his grandpa? Nope, we don't know why.)

I think we all ordered breakfast for lunch, and Tyler stole eggs off of everybody's plates. I swear, the kid must half eaten a half dozen eggs! Not to mention the pancakes, potatoes, bacon, and whatever else he managed to get his hands on!

And after lunch? We all went to Coldstone Creamery of course!
 Tyler made his rounds:
First with Gram

Then with Sam and Gram!

Cup is one of his favorite people ever... even though his ice cream was gone before Tyler got to him. ;)

 Everybody was happy to share with him. But then he got tired of walking from person to person, so he settled for stealing Mama's ice cream.

I tried for a father/son photo... it is that day after all... but Tyler was way more interested in my his ice cream!

After Coldstone, we headed home to play for a while before nap time.
Tyler and Dada played with a puzzle or two

We read a book

Tyler and Dada did some more chillin', which is when Tyler began looking like it may be a good time for a nap... all three of us conked out for about 2 hours! I guess that's what a busy day will do to a toddler and a very pregnant person. Not sure what Tory's excuse was. ;)

And just because it is Father's Day, I'll go ahead say that Tyler is a very lucky little boy to have Tory for his Dada. I don't think anyone could love a kid more than this Dada loves his, and vice versa. ♥
Sap over. ;)

Next up: BUBBLES (For like the 27th time.) in a new post because I have another gazillion photos to share, and enough is enough for one post. :)

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