Tuesday, June 1, 2010

32 weeks (and 2 days)

AKA 7 weeks and 2 days left.

But who's counting??

Nothing new medically this week. According to the websites anyway.
I had my 32 weeks appointment today, which was a joke if you ask me. I was in and out in 5 minutes- including peeing in a cup! lol  She checked my uterus growth (right on track), weighed me (I've packed on a whopping 26lbs), checked my blood pressure (good), and listened to Dandelion's heartbeat (140 = good).

I'll be honest, I was kinda hoping they'd do an exam and say "Hey look at that! You're 6cm dilated and need to rush to the hospital!" ;)

Next appointment is in 2 weeks, and it's with my favorite doctor there- the one who will end up delivering Dandelion if things go as planned.

I'm feeling pretty much the same as I have since, oh, week 25. lol

Cravings: I don't know. I want something, but I can't figure out what it is. :/

Me + 26lbs :)

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