I have made it to 36 weeks. That means technically I have 4 weeks to go, but I'll be induced in twenty-three days!!!!!!
An amazing and scary thought. :)
I had an OB appointment today, during which I learned that I have gained a whopping 31lbs total and, despite tons of contractions every day, I am not dilated at all. Oh, and my blood pressure is fine and Dandelion's heartbeat is great. That's it. I guess no news is good news.
Although yet again, I was hoping they'd send me straight to the hospital. ;)
I set up my final three appointments today too. Next Wednesday, then the two Mondays after that. The end is near!!
In other news, which really isn't news at all, I'm tired and heartburn-y. Shocking, I know! ;)
I feel pretty huge, but I know I'm carrying really well again so I can't complain. And I've gained 20lbs less than I did (total) with Tyler, so I really can't complain!
I sleep in two positions: left and right. But on the right I start having trouble breathing after a while so it's mostly left. Fun fun fun!
I sleep in two positions: left and right. But on the right I start having trouble breathing after a while so it's mostly left. Fun fun fun!
We've chosen a name. Well, probably. LOL We're so indecisive and I wouldn't be surprised if we change it yet again, but for the moment we have one picked out. Yay us!
Cravings: Can't say that I'm craving anything at the moment, but I did just inhale some Chick-fil-a nuggets and Oreos, and it was amazing. I'll probably be eating that again soon. ;)
Growing growing growing! I think I'm getting bigger by the minute!