Saturday, March 6, 2010

What I Miss Most...

What I miss most about Tyler's first years... well, months, is not the type of thing I think people would expect.

It's not that sweet baby smell.

It's not the amazing feeling of a sweet newborn sleeping on my chest. 

It's not the attention that a newborn draws while out and about.

It's not the little tiny baby giggle.

While I do miss those things, those are not what I miss the most.

What I miss is Tyler being young enough that he had no idea what junk good food is. :)

I cannot eat anything without that boy needing some of whatever it is! 
Like the other day I was at my mom's house. I picked up a Reese's egg, and somehow from another room comes my son running to "see me." Only he didn't care about me. He wanted my candy.
Or last night when I wanted some Thin Mint cookies, but I had to wait til he went to bed because he'd already had his bath. (Thin Mints after bath = another bath)

Or what about today? When I just had to have an Orange Julius. (Blame the unborn child...) So did he, of course.
And then my lunch was McDonald's on the way home from Potomac Mills. So was his, obviously. 
...and he was pretty thrilled about it too.

So there you have it. What I miss most about having a teeny baby rather than a toddler. ;)

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