Monday, March 1, 2010

Mango Madness! 19 weeks

Weekly baby updates? I think yes. ;)

My lil' one has now been cookin' for 19 weeks... only 21 more weeks to go. Not much has changed since last week, except that now Baby is the size of a mango. I love mangos! 

I'm still feeling good for the most part. No matter what I eat I get major heartburn, so I figure I may as well enjoy eating! I eat whatever strikes my fancy- mexican food, pizza, etc... lol
I could still sleep all day every day. Getting up in the morning is a real chore! Poor Tory is usually the one to take care of Tyler in the mornings.

This week we are debating middle names. And I sure do mean debating! hahaha  We already have a first name picked for a boy and a girl.
(Two girl names actually, because I think it's twin girls. ;)  But we know which we'll use if it's "only" one)
Tory is being a poop and won't let me make up my own middle name for a girl. I'm standing my ground and hoping he comes around and ends up loving my idea. We shall see what happens...


19 week cravings: Protein protein protein! I can't get enough meat. 
Oh yea, and Thin Mint Girl Scout cookies... but that probably has nothing to do with being pregnant.

Next week's update will be much more exciting, since I have the gender-telling ultrasound at 20 weeks and 1 day!!  
I cannot wait!

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