That- The most common word. He says it ALLLLLL the time while pointing to whatever it is that has caught his attention.
Hi- whispers "hiiiiiii"
Bye- whispers "dyyyye" OR "dye-dye"
Hot- "HHOT" (no that's not a typo. he stresses the "h")
Dada- Yes, he knows who Dada is. Lucky Dada.
Mama- he has no idea what it means, but he says it!
Dex- "DE. DE. DE" He says it loud and repeats it over and over while pointing to Dex.
Dog- "DA" Loudly and points to whatever dog he sees.
Go- said while waving "dyye"
Gone- said while holding his hands up to show they're empty. ♥ He says this about food/drink AND if a person is out of sight. As in "Dada is 'Gone'."
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