Sunday, October 11, 2009

Another Walk

We went for a walk today... again. :)

Tyler was happy about it!

Well, Tory, Dexter, and I went for a walk. Somebody insisted on being carried most of the time.

We saw another dog. Tyler wanted to play with it. Dexter wanted to eat it.
(We also saw a bunch of cats, one in particular that Dex almost yanked my arm off to get at! No pictures of those, as I was busy trying to keep my arm in it's proper place.)

Just a cool picture.

And he walked his dog. ♥

Yep, it was another good walk!

[No pictures of Tyler and his Daddy, because evidently I am unable to take any good pictures. I took over a dozen of them, but all were either blurry or the lighting was way off. I guess I'm still getting used to my new camera!]

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