Today is Tory's only day off this week, so we wanted to do something fun! This morning I got online to see what I could find...
I discovered
Wilson's Wild Animal Park, less than ten miles from home! The website said it has lions, bears, leopards, emus, and dozens of other wild animals, plus a bunch of deer, goats, and sheep that we could feed... PLUS it has a pumpkin patch! What more could we ask for?
Here we are with one of the camels. First, I had no idea they were so huge! I guess I knew it since I've seen people riding them, but I'd never been so
close to one before! This girl was staring us down, I was scared she would spit at me (one of my silly irrational fears), and Tyler just wanted to get faaaar away from her. lol

Tyler would only look at the emus from behind Tory's legs. See his head poking through to take a peek? So freakin' cute! ♥

We got to feed quite a few goats, sheep, and deer. Tyler actually fed this guy.
He was pretty nervous whenever we got close enough to feed most of the animals... which makes no sense to me, since our own dog is bigger than every animal we fed and Tyler will feed hi with no problem! ;)

Check out that happy face!

Drummin' on the giant pumpkin!

He fell forward when he first picked one up! (He thought it was funny)

"This doesn't taste like pumpkin pie Mom!"