What a good day we had! Tory took the day off work, so we headed out pretty early for some errand-running. Our first stop was Petsmart, which is where Tyler and I like to watch the fish and the kittens that are up for adoption. We left there (kitten-less, even though I asked Tory for two of them...) and headed to Target. Have I mentioned that I
love Target?? We walked through and by some stroke of luck ended up in the
very back corner of the store, and found a back endcap that said
75% off. We got the little man some new wheels! Regular price was over $50, and we got it for just under $13! (Pics will come, in chronological order. Lunch was first. lol) I have told Tory a dozen times today how excited I am about this deal! :)
We then went to Five Guys for some lunch. At Five Guys, we have to find ways to entertain Tyler for a few minutes because we sit down before the food is ready. We gave him a few peanuts since yes, he can handle them. But then he attempted to swallow a few too many at once so we opted out of giving him more. We then discovered a new game. A
hilarious game if you ask Tyler. It's called Hide-the-Peanut-Under-the-Napkin.

The title pretty much explains it. The pictures show his joy while playing this game... I just adore his laughing face! He's so proud of himself for "hiding the peanut!" ♥

The food came, and we immediately started tearing our food apart in an effort to cool it off before little hands grabbed and got burned! He always loves both the burgers and the fries there.

This time, I decided it would be ok to let him dip his own fries. This is a very scary thing for a mother to allow her 14 month old to do. ;) He was a pro! Why did I doubt? He didn't even make much of a mess.

After lunch, we stopped at a yard sale... yes, a yard sale. Blech! We've been wanting a high chair to keep at my mom's house, and saw one at the yard sale, so I told Tory to stop. We ended up buying one that is in decent condition and wasn't too gross. The guy told Tory it was $15, but Tory said he'd give him $10 and the guy agreed. So we got two deals today. :)
We headed home to put a very sleepy boy down for a nap, then Tory "built" the new wheels... and by "built" I mean jammed the handle down and screwed on the seat belt. Took all of 3 minutes. lol I disinfected the high chair- and complained to Tory that I needed his moral support for such a task. I am such a wimp, but other people's germs are yucky. ;) We got the whole thing cleaned and disinfected and wiped down about 3 times over. lol
THEN (Yes, there's more) Tyler woke up from his nap to find his
brand new car in the living room. It was an instant hit. Here's his "wow look what my awesome parents bought me" look.

We all went for a short walk, and Tyler attempted to get my keys out of the hood of the car while buckled in. (Did I mention that it has awesome storage space?? lol)

And heading home. It was hot and sticky out, so we decided to make it a short walk. Tyler doesn't care. He likes playing inside just as much as he likes walking. :)
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