Last night my mom called me and asked if Tyler and I wanted to meet her at a pond to feed some ducks today. Of course we do! So this morning after breakfast, we headed out to Hill High Orchards. It's a small country store-type place that sells amazing pies, but to be honest I have no idea if there are orchards there. lol Anyway, there's a pond right next to it where people are always feeding the ducks.
We arrived armed with bread and cameras, only to find that the

ducks were missing! We went down to the water anyway hoping that if we threw some bread around we might lure the ducks to us. Ha, not so much. They were nowhere to be found! BUT as soon as the bread hit the water, dozens upon dozens of FISH came up and started fighting over it...

and Tyler started laughing! Maybe this wasn't such a bad idea after all. ;) So we parked ourselves on a blanket and started tossing our bread and hot dog buns to the fish. Tyler got jealous of the fish after a while, and started eating the bread himself. (left)
Check out those eyes!
(I know I say that a lot, but can you blame me??)
Once he got bored of feeding the fish- which took a while actually!- we went inside the store for some ice cream, which is always a cure for boredom. Here's his "cheesy laugh." I guess he was excited about the ice cream. lol

Even though we didn't find any ducks to feed, we still had a very fun time! ~And now he's sound asleep. Being outside wears us out. It's a good thing. ;)
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