No pictures today, but wow! What a day it's been! (and it's only 4:17!)
This morning started off normally- I baby gated Tyler in his bedroom (which, for those interested, is completely Tyler-proofed. Or so I thought.) and went to take my shower. Same as most mornings. I always pull out his toy bin and he sits and plays happily while I get a few minutes to myself for a peaceful shower. I was shaving my legs when I hear a THUD, followed by silence. I asked if he was ok (right, because my 14 month old is gonna say "Yea Ma, I'm great!") and heard him talking to himself and so assumed he was fine. I figured he threw a toy over the gate. Then a second later the bathroom door flies open and in waltzes the crazy monster! He flung the shower curtain aside, as if to say "Here I am Mom! Watcha doin'?" Once I got out of my cut-way-too-short shower, (Let's just say I am half-shaven. lol) I went to investigate, and found the baby gate still firmly in place. This means he has learned how to climb over it. Nothing is safe anymore. Ugh.
We continue through our morning. Breakfast was uneventful. Followed by playing and reading and playing and reading and playing and... you get it. Then was lunch, uneventful except that the dog got a whole hot dog and I had to make Tyler another one. This happens often though. Nap time was good. And then he woke up. (insert scary music here)
Ok, nothing else like jumping baby gates happened today. But something pretty hilarious (I think) did. When he gets up from his nap I usually put him on his little couch to watch a movie with a snack. Today was a Disney Sing Along. I was cleaning up in the kitchen, when suddenly "The Circle of Life" was cut short. No biggie, he often turns the TV off when he's bored of it. But then a minute later I hear the beginning notes of the theme song to FAMILY GUY. Are you freaking kidding me???? He changed the DVD??? He's 14 months old! It took me years to figure out how to use the VCR, then DVDs came out and it took me more years to learn that! Oh my goodness. I don't even know what to say. And his choice of TV shows is not very reassuring. It scares me. ;)
Return of the Elves
8 years ago