Thursday, September 2, 2010

Things I've Learned Today

1) If the kids are stressing me out at home, do not leave the house. They will be no less stressful in public. ;)

2) Do not get the two year old excited to go to the mall play place unless I am 100% certain it is not closed for repairs. 

3) Don't skip the stroller at the fabric store because I'm "just running in for one thing". Carrying an infant car seat and holding a toddler's hand while getting a few yards of fabric cut is not a fun (or easy) thing to do.

4) Lia prefers Enya over Beethoven. 
{Score one for Mama! Love me some Enya. Beethoven, not so much}

5) When a toddler won't eat his chicken, PEZ works to bribe him.
"Tyler, if you eat a bite of chicken I'll give you a PEZ." 
(Say it a dozen times and he's eaten his whole lunch! And a whole pack of PEZ, but who cares? Lunch and dessert all at once! lol)

And it's only noon. I wonder what other lessons are in store for me today...

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