Sunday, May 23, 2010

31 weeks

I'm not sure why I stay on the same "schedule" I've had since the beginning of this pregnancy. Technically, I am 31 weeks pregnant with 9 weeks left, but Dandelion will be here before 40 weeks- 39 weeks and 4 days to be exact... unless she decides to show her pretty face even before that. Scary thought.

I have nothing new to say this week, medically/physically. I'm tired, I'm hungry, and I have heartburn. And I'm officially an emotional wreck. And by "wreck" I mean total and complete wreck. lol
Oh yea, and the contractions have come on full force. Like I have them all the time. (No they don't hurt like "real" contractions, yes it is normal)

My "cravings" come and go so quickly that I'll send Tory to the store for something and by the time he's home the thought of it makes me sick. {Sorry Tor! :)}

In other news... We had a name picked out. Almost 100%. And we had a "back-up" that we both love too. And then last night my dumb husband had to come up with yet a third (new, previously un-discussed) name! And we are both leaning toward this new name now! This is exactly why I/we decided not to disclose her name til she's born- because we really have no clue ourselves! lol
So a note to the very few people who know the two names we'd narrowed it down to: Don't be surprised if she's born and her name is totally new to you. :)

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