Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just Stuff (Some pretty funny stuff actually)

Tyler's latest morning "routine":  He grabs my hand and pulls me to the floor as soon as he hears Tory turn his shower off. We then crawl to the bathroom- growling the whole time of course- and "scare" Daddy. Tyler gets a huge kick out of this! (So do I... it's pretty hilarious)

Whenever we see a dog- I mean whenever we see a dog- Tyler goes nuts pointing and shouting "DOG! DOG! DOOOOOG!!!!!" This is great when we're in the car, or even at the playground. Not so much when we're walking through a store and somebody with a service dog walks by...

Yesterday, we were on our way home from Costco. I stopped behind a car that was the same make/model/color as my mom's. Tyler went berserk screaming for G. I mean the kid was going absolutely crazy! He was pointing and shouting and giggling all at once. So freakin' cute. Soooo I did what anybody would do, I drove to G's house rather than ours. He literally laughed the whole ten minutes it took to get there, and between laughs was repeating "G! G!" over and over again. (I hope G feels loved. ;) )

On that note, we had dinner at Mom's last night. My brother Nick has boats. Kayaks, canoes, and whatever else. One of his kayaks is very visible in the backyard from the dining room table, and all throughout dinner Tyler was saying "Nick. Boat." He would point to Nick's room and say "Nick?"  So once again, I did what anybody would do. I took him to visit Nick at work. (Spoiled much??)

Tyler calls Slurpees "Pee". Fortunately he does not shout this when we walk into a 7-11... but I figure it's only a matter of time. 

He throws a temper tantrum if we drive by a playground (with slides) and do not stop. I mean all out temper tantrums. Complete with shrieking and sweating.

He hits the ground running when we do go to the playground. (Every day. Sometimes twice a day) We go so often that I have a collage picture frame on my wall of just Tyler on slides.
He seems to like it better the more wild the ride is- this means he has learned to twist and turn on the way down rather than sit straight. Lovely.

Speaking of slides, Tyler's hair is the funniest thing EVER. It's perfectly normal while he's running around playing, then as soon as he sits on a slides it goes all electric. Then he gets off the slide and it's normal again. Every single time. 

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