~My baby and his new backpack... and his adorable raincoat!!~
Word of advice: Do not mention "first day of school" to a mom who's freaking out about how fast her 20 month old is growing. ;)
*Tyler was playing with my mom's phone- holding it to his ear and saying "hiya!". He then held it to Madden's ear (mom's dog) but Madden wouldn't play. So Tyler picked up Madden's paw and shoved the phone into it.
*Dexter was laying on the floor and Tyler was using human nail clippers on Dex's paws, trying to "cut" them.
~That smile is enough to make anyone's day better!~
*Tyler hit the toilet lid and said "BAD!" I said "Tyler, be nice." So he kissed the toilet lid. Not sure whether I should have praised him or corrected him! lol
*While watching an Animal Planet show in which a lion successfully hunts a Zebra, Tyler says "Got it!" as the lion takes the zebra down.
~Don't tell Tyler to "say cheese". This is the result.~
*Kevin and Caroline (the kids I babysit) were playing dolls. Kevin asks who the mommy is. Tyler looks up quickly and points to me. ♥
*He has a book called "All Fall Down", which he loves. He randomly (and by himself, I might add) threw all the couch pillows on the floor then, saying "Aah... aah... DAH!" (all fall down, of course) throws himself into them.
~Another "say cheese" moment...~
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