On Sunday, Tyler and I took his aunt Abs to her soccer game. It was the championship game in the end-of-season tournament!
Somebody was in a rather poopy mood on the drive to Sterling. He makes me laugh!!
While spending a couple hours outside in the B-E-A-Yootiful weather, I, of course, took some pictures of my handsome lil' guy. ♥
He played on the bleachers for a while. There were two sets of bleachers, one jam packed full of people, the other completely empty. We took the empty on to run around on, and got glares from all those silly take-it-too-seriously-screaming-parents. lol I think we were supposed to be paying attention to the game... ;)
...and going.
Here he is on one of his many attempted escapades to the field! (I received more glares as I snapped a picture before going after him. Hey, he wasn't ON the field, and the girls weren't on that end anyway!)
He got tired quickly, which is what skipping a nap will do to a toddler! So I put him in his stroller with a bottle of water. He wasn't having it. Instead we played peekaboo through the clear screen thingie on his stroller. He laughs hysterically even when I just put my hand up against it. When I look at him through it is even funnier!
Water ran out and the kid wasn't thrilled. So out came the bribery! Lollipops are my favorite thing EVER. Really.
After the game (which they WON, by the way. 3-0.) we went to my Mom's house for dinner. Spaghetti and garlic bread. I don't think I've ever mentioned Tyler love for garlic bread. It's cute.
G was wearing her 'Skins jersey too! Had to get a picture of the two of them!! ♥
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