☻Today Tyler, Dexter, and I went for a long ride. And by "ride" I mean a walk with me pushing Tyler in his red car. ;) Dex's leash is long enough for him to walk in front of Tyler and me, so he was doing that and Tyler reached up and grabbed the middle of the leash which was hanging over his head. He held onto it for a good while. I guess he's learning early to walk the dog. ♥
(no pictures. I didn't bring the camera)
A 2 in 1:
☻When he waves "bye-bye" he does it backwards. He'll hold his hand facing himself and wave it. I think this is because that's what it looks like to him when anyone waves to him. Think about it, it makes sense. ;)
☻He likes to "close himself in the front door." He'll grab the doorknob and walk backward til his back bumps into the screen door and he's between the two doors.
☻When he closes himself in the doors, he does it waving to himself and whispering "dye-dye." It's so precious! (see below)

☻I bought him a coloring book and crayons, and he used them for the first time today. He was more interested in the box of crayons than doing anything with the book at first.
☻When I finally convinced him to try actually using the crayons, he got into it. Dex was pretty interested too.
{Side note: This kid is ALL BOY. Check out the mosquito bites covering his legs, pizza all over the face, extremely dirty feet... and you can't see it in the picture, but the poor guy has a giant knot on his forehead from falling and hitting the toilet. OUCH! (he cried for about 30 seconds and then was off and running again!)}
I had a few other things to mention, and of course between dinner and bath time, I've forgotten them. :P
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