Where in the world does the time go? I always thought time started going faster as I got older, but apparently having a kid kicks it into real high speed. In some ways it feels like Tyler was born yesterday, while in other ways I feel like I've had him forever. What a crazy thing, celebrating you're first kid's first birthday... it makes me feel like a real adult. ;)
We woke up and had monkey bread for breakfast- which is something I remember from being a kid myself. My mom always let the birthday kid choose all the meals of the day, and we all always chose monkey bread. So I decided to introduce Tyler to it on his birthday.
After breakfast, the three of us headed out to Sterling for the day. Our first stop was Tory's family. We visited with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Sam, and Great-Aunt Meagan for a while, then got down to business opening presents! Tyler got a set of bongos that play
lots of different sounds, which was a big hit, and a couch/futon which he loves too. (As I write this he's watching his new Veggie Tales movie while laying back on the futon.)

He (well, me and Tory!) also got some diapers- which are still one of my favorite things to get! Along with some money to redecorate Tyler's room. We're going to go to Ikea soon to hopefully find some good frog things for it!
After presents, we ate pizza, and then cake! His birthday cake wasn't really a cake, but a giant cookie. He didn't mind though. He had a nice piece of cookie and lots of ice cream.

We left their house to go see my family. We played for a while- meaning Nick threw Tyler around like it was nothing, and Tyler laughed like it was the best amusement park ride ever!

After almost puking up his "cake" and ice cream, we got down to business once more, opening presents! He got lots of fun stuff here too- a drum filled with other
loud musical instruments, a talking remote control, stackable cups and some balls which, by the way, are his new favorite thing! He loves putting balls into cups that are a little too small for them and getting them stuck.

He also got a... thing. I don't know what to call it- a walker? On wheels? That has toys on it and he can push and walk behind. He
loves it! He walked back and forth across the living room, and fussed every time he hit something and had to be turned around. I guess we need a really long hallway for him!

All in all it was a good day. We had fun, took lots of pictures, got lots of cool new toys and clothes, and wore ourselves out! When we got home, Tyler went straight to bed. I think it was am excellent first birthday for him. :)
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