~ He still has 8 teeth
He can walk, but is too lazy to most of the time. He'd rather push his toy walker around than do it himself.
~ He waves and says "Hi" (AH!) and "ByeBye" (Dye-Dye), when leaving the house, or even just leaving a room! He always waves "Dye-Dye" to Dexter when we leave. ♥
~ He says "Mama" and "Dada"
~ He signs "more" for more food, more drink, or if he wants to read a book again, or if he just likes something.
~ He can drink through a straw! He learned that with Sprite, and has since done his "more" sign anytime he sees someone with a drink and a straw. Oops!
~ His favorite toy is his push-walker that he got for his birthday. He also loves his toy remote controls... and our regular TV remote controls!
~ He will eat
anything. He loves M&Ms, Goldfish, and animal crackers, but is just as enthusiastic about green beans, cinnamon toast, apples, and really anything else we put in front of him!
~ He talks and laughs at Dexter.
~ When I raise my voice at him (which I admit to doing at times) he thinks it's the funniest thing
ever, and laughs hysterically. Uh-oh!
~ His favorite book is called Polar Pals, and he will sit still for as long as we keep reading it to him- over and over and over... I've memorized the story and where all the pictures are so now I "read" it to him and point out the pictures while compiling a grocery list in my head or some other such thing!
~ He loves Scooby Doo!
~ He gives hugs and kisses to me all the time. ♥
~ He is no longer on any formula- just plain old whole milk!
~ He can climb the stairs faster than I can!
~ He shakes his head yes and no- especially no!
~ He loves being outside, and points at everything. Especially birds and cars.
~ He likes to push buttons.
~ He think dog food tastes really good, and probably wonders why he doesn't get it as a meal sometime.
~ He thinks bellybuttons are funny. He lifts my shirt to find mine, and I lift his shirt and tickle him- this game can go on forever.
~ He kisses my tattoos.
~ Earrings are tug-toys to him.
Ouch!~ He will hold a cell phone to his ear with one hand and wave "Hi" with the other.
~ He likes to wash his hands with me after a diaper change.
~ He still likes to dance.
~ He still looks bald in pictures, but actually he has long white-blond hair.
~ When I ask him where his tongue is, he sticks it out and laughs.
~ He recognizes his aunts, uncles, and grandparents.