Tyler and I met my mom, Crystal, and Brandon at the park for a picnic and lots of playing. Tyler didn't want to eat because he was too busy watching all the kids running around. So I let him down to play, and he took off in the dirt! Instead of his sandwich, he tried eating dirt, rocks, and sticks. MMmmmm. That kid is ALL boy. ;)

It was really strange to see all these little kids running around like pros, with Tyler just crawling. He was a lot bigger than so many of the walking/running kids who were clearly older than he is. There was one boy who looked SO tiny to me, but he ran right up and started talking to Brandon! I mean, this kid was half a head shorter than my 11 month old! I think I have a big boy on my hands. :)
Of course, Tyler also just HAD to play with his grandma's sunglasses. He is a big fan of any kind of glasses. (As I'm sure you remember from a previous post...) He hammed it up for the camera again this time:

And I got a little baby fix... and a hint of how busy my life will be when Baby #2 arrives! Fortunately Tyler doesn't show any signs of jealousy toward Brandon. Actually, he pretty much ignores the baby most of the time. Here's me at 6.5 weeks pregnant holding 6.5 week old Brandon. ♥
(Would it be TMI if I said that the first day of my last period- which is when doctors say is day the pregnancy starts- was the day Brandon was born? So the two help me remember each other. lol)
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