Sunday, July 26, 2009

"I think I can"

Tyler has a shape-sorter that has stumped him so far. He usually tries to put the circle in the square or some such thing, thus getting very upset with himself and giving up. (what can I say? I passed my "impatient gene" on to my son. Sorry Tyler!) Tonight he was playing with it, and got frustrated when he couldn't figure it out but he kept at it and finally did it! Like everything else, it was documented on camera. :)

How does this thing work?? I don't think I like the star...

I'll try this one. Maybe if I poke it with my finger? Nope, not really!

Hooray for me!! I did it! (He likes to clap for himself when he does something good. ♥)

I think my little man is gonna understand this toy soon. We'll keep working on it. ;)

Friday, July 24, 2009


I realized this afternoon that Tyler has never ever experienced popcorn before! What a shame! We decided to remedy that today. :)
(And no, we weren't worried about him choking on it... the kid can handle anything.)

This was when he understood that I was allowing him to help himself. LOL We got some big silly grins when he figured that out!

"Ok, if you say so!" And he went for it.

Now that you mention it, this stuff is gooood!

After his first bite, he "more'd" and climbed into my lap. I pulled him up, and this is where we sat through a good portion of the movie "Troy".

(Yes, my 13 month old actually watched the movie. He waved "bye-bye" at one point after a guy was killed. No joke. I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing. LOL)

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Such a Cute Smile!

Tyler was in such a smiley mood last night!

Here he's showing his "chillin" skills... with some kitchen tongs. Crazy kid.

At bath time he continued his giggly mood. Here's he's showing off his 8 teeth (still "just" 8)

And showing off his cute baby bum... AND his toothy grin. =)
How did we ever get such a happy boy?? He's [almost] always smiling! ♥

Me and my baby

I have no good stories to tell or anything, but Tory took a few cute pictures of me and Tyler. It's crazy how much and how fast he's grown!

Watching everything going on outside... which, at the time, was nothing. So we were pointing at my car and the tree. lol

He will stop playing suddenly to come over and give me a hug. He got my leg this time. Hey, it works. :)

Reading on his couch- it's a tight fit, but we managed!

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Tyler's favorite Disney Sing Along DVD is The Circle of Life... it has a few Lion King songs, as well as songs from some other movies. He'll sit and watch it over and over again if I let him! It's weird, I don't know what it is about that particular one. The other 8 Sing Alongs we have don't catch his attention at all. Hmmmm...

Anyway, the song "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast is on it- you know, the one where Belle goes around town saying "Bonjour" to all the people? Well, as soon as that song starts (actually, when the song before it ends!) Tyler starts waving "hi" and giggling. Every single time! It's adorable! Who knew my son would learn a French word so early? lol

Monday, July 6, 2009

July 4th

I woke up and my first thought was something about it being Tyler's first 4th of July. That lasted about a second, when I remembered that he's over a year old and therefore will not have any more "first holidays". What a strange thought!

We spent the day out in Sterling, as we usually do on any type of holiday. We went to my family's house and got all the siblings together once more, since Zach was on leave and back home.

Me and my baby. ♥

We then went to see Tory's family and visited with some of their friends for a while. We didn't stay out late at all, and got home right at Tyler's bedtime. No fireworks for us this year!

Measles! (sorta...)

Tyler woke up on a couple days ago covered in red spots! I took him in to make sure it was nothing horrible, and it turns out that it was a reaction to his Measles vaccine. The doctor said that a small percentage of kids react to it, and it really shouldn't bother him, even though technically it's a mild case of the Measles. He doesn't have any other symptoms, just lots of polka dots! I've tried to get a picture that shows them, but no such luck. Here's the best I got:

Tyler at the doctor's office- he wasn't interested in taking pictures, but he sure
wanted the camera!

Maybe if you look close enough you'll see all the red spots... let me assure you, they are everywhere and they look so horribly itchy. :(