We went to see the doctor today for Tyler's 6 month check up! Tyler
loves to have his clothes off, so he was happy most of the time. He got weighed (19lbs 8oz) measured (27.5in) and the rest of him all checked out. He's a healthy boy and growing at the right rate. That's always good to hear. He was per

fectly fine until it was time for shots. He got 4 this time! He cried as soon as he got the first one, and then for just a few minutes while he got the others, but as soon as I picked him up he was back to happy. At his last appointment he cried from the time he got the shots until we got home half an hour later! Needless to say I was relieved that this time was apparently easier on him.

After the appointment, we got home to a package at our door. It was from Tyler's great grandma and grandpa who live in Florida. (Tory's grandparents) We decided to let him open his Christmas present early. He loved the paper, as usual! It took him a long time, but with

some help he finally got it open! He got two brand new outfits for the cold weather. They're a little bit too big, which is just perfect since we have a whole lot of winter ahead of us!
They also sent some Florida oranges, which Tyler enjoyed almost as much as his wrapping paper...