06-06-08 My due date. I want to go into labor NOW. I wait all day, quite impatiently actually.
I go to bed at 11pm. I wake up a little later to go pee. (Because pregnant women pee 24 times a day, sometimes more) I get back in bed. As soon as I get comfortable, there is a gush of fluid! I look at the clock. 12:51am. I get up and walk into the bathroom (leaking a lot!) and I tap Tory on my way in saying "You need to wake up and drive me to the hospital." He jumps out of bed and says "Are you serious? Are you ok? You need to sit down!" I just laugh and say I don't feel anything yet.
We got Dexter into the car to take to my mom's house on our way to the hospital. The hospital is about 90 minutes away from our house. About 8 minutes into our drive I start getting contractions. Nothing painful yet.
We got to the hospital around 3am, where I am hooked up to monitors to track baby's heartbeat and my contractions. I was also given an IV for hydration I think. I remember the nurse talking to me, but what she said is a blur now. I do know that she tried to check my cervix, but couldn't find it. I remember thinking that was odd, because I'm sure it's in there somewhere! ;)
Around 6am I was given pitocin, because I was not progressing much at all. Once that kicked in things moved much faster! I don't remember what time I got the epidural, I do remember thinking that I didn't need it. Mom was there (She arrived around 4:30) and I think i remember her telling me to get it for Tory. Every time a strong contraction came, I guess I looked bad, because he couldn't handle it. So I got the epidural.
This is just after they gave it to me. Look at the torture I had to endure! Crazy women taking too many pictures:

Some "during" pictures:

Somebody thought we needed a picture of my hands. It's cool so I'll post it.
(I was listening to the Boss)

A while after the epidural, the doctor told my mom, Tory's mom, and Tory's aunt to leave so I could sleep. Good thing she did! I would have had a hard time had not gotten any rest.
At 11:00am the nurse came in and told me it was time to start pushing! I've never been more nervous in my life!! My mom and Tory's mom came in the room. We had talked earlier and I agreed that they could watch their grandson come into the world.
The nurse started "coaching" me and kind of teaching me how to push. After about 20 minutes of "practice pushing" the doctor came in and we got down to business. Dr. Franklin was amazing. She was forceful without being mean. If I wasn't pushing hard enough, she told me to push harder. If she wanted me to push after we counted to 10, she told me to keep going.
I remember at 12:30 I asked the nurse (Alice) how long she thought it would be. She said "Don't get your hopes up, it'll still be about 30 minutes." I was shocked! I expected her to say something crazy like 4 more hours!
The next 20 minutes passed in a blur. The next thing I knew, the doctor was saying "One more push" and then the next second she was holding my baby! The first thing I said was "Is it a boy?" Somebody said "YES It's a boy!" Then they put my baby on my chest. Next thing out of my mouth was, "Oh my gosh! He's a pretty baby! I'm so glad I don't have to lie and tell people I think he's cute!" Then Alice asked me what his name was. I said "Tyler David."
The first picture of the three of us. This is one of my favorite pictures of all time:

Me and my baby:

I had 3rd degree tears and the doctor had to stitch me up. It was the most painful thing I've ever experienced! I felt every single stitch. I think it took about 30 minutes. When she was finished, I got to hold my baby. The next two days were full of pain and joy. Every single thing I went through was worth it ten times over. I had my perfect baby.
Tyler David Hermens was born on 06-07-08 at 12:51pm. He weighed 8lbs 6oz and was 21 inches long.
Here we are about to go home: